$7,825 ain't bad at all, folks.
Thank you, thank you, a million times thank you. When Brad Resnick and I first started laying out the budget for "Blaming George Romero," we had no idea if we could make it to our goal budget of $9,000. But we did. I was always willing to throw my own money into the project, so considering that we managed to only miss our goal by $1,175 I am extremely happy.
Thanks to indiegogo for giving artists like us a place to do what we just did... Money's always the scariest factor, and having a place where we could raise funds in a fun way was amazing. Thanks to John Trigonis and his lovely better half, Marinell Montales for introducing me to indiegogo and giving me advice throughout. Really, indiegogo became the springboard that made this project possible... It was only when we saw that we had a possible way to raise money that the reality of making a movie seemed like... well, a reality.
But the biggest thanks of all goes to everyone who donated (sometimes more than once!!!) what they could. These are not easy times, economically, and that there are people who are willing to give... and give in large amounts... I really don't have the words to thank you properly. I am not that good a writer. =P I always relished getting an email telling me that I had a new contribution. Sometimes it was someone I knew, and that really made me happy... that my friends and family believed in me and this project enough to support us as they did. Sometimes it was someone that knew someone else in the cast... and that was cool too. And occasionally, we even got donations from people that none of us actually knows! It really is an amazing thing, and again... There are no words. So, thank you.
Below is a list of all of you who generously contributed to indiegogo over the last few months. If you do not see your name, and you contributed, please forgive me I copied and pasted from an excel sheet to a word document to here. Just give me a quick heads up and I will add you.
Executive Producers
Christopher Curtis Jr.
Augie Caamano Jr.
Donna Caamano
Andrew Riggs
Associate Producers
Antonio Hernandez
Marc Franco
Andrew Platizky
Charlene Platizky
Betty Kemp Lise
Blake Joseph Zawadzki
Jill Bilics
Eddie’s Bar
Special Thanks
Julie Ann Colon
Andrew Bichler
Erinmarie Ciallella
Amy DeGise
Jason Williams
Sal Pellitteri
Jeanette Pellitteri
Theresa Cooper
Ivan Rushfield
Judy Kuchler
Elba Martinez Hallihan and Carlos Diaz
Elizabeth Dautrick
Jose Gonzalez
Frank Ayala
Nancy Paino
Al Lise
Gerry Collins
Melissa Polowy
Eric Crafton
Roman Guadarrama
Jody Smith
Ellie Hernandez
Deena Parr
Max Arias
Jen & Eddie Cody
Thomas Zimmerman
Joe Carillo
Patty Bradley
Bernard Smalls
Quincy Spagnolo
Joe Moskowitz
Bob Thurston
Max Resnick
Al Resnick
Erica Resnick
Chandani Patel
Tim Lise
David Arce
Eric Levy
Sean Feuer
Devin Graham
Joyce Graham
Gary Wasilewski
Eva Visco
Lauren Bock Mullins
Michele Watson
Ahmed Elbabouhi
Tinea Plummer
Diana Plesniarski
Patrick Gallagher
Candice Fair
Wayne Crawford
Roger Platizky
Jeniffer Rueda
Mary Joyce Kemp
Catrina Ayala
Luisa Gomez
Christopher Korek
Arielle Brettler
Casey Okamoto
Anthony Fazio
Mike Cutruff
Isaac Platizky