9/22/10 HAHAHAHA
You know what's fun? Writing a movie, sure that's fun. Somehow managing to get the people needed to take the movie from the page to reality. Yep, that's fun too. It's full of stress, but it was fun. What's fun at the moment is to take all of that... Over 24 hours of footage... And assemble it into a real, honest to God movie. "Blaming George Romero" is approximately 38 minutes right now. (Slightly less than a page a minute for any of those who are curious... Final draft clocked in at 108 pages.)
But yeah... it's one thing to be on set and act and have to deal with all the craziness that goes on set. But between all of that, it is easy to not see what is going on. Everything is so in the moment. But having seen 38 minutes of this movie... I really like it... It is a fun, funny movie. The entire cast is just amazing (I know, I know, its been said, but I'll keep saying it). And its the small things too... Its the subtlest facial gesture, line emphasis... The things that weren't in the script... the things that noone told anyone else to do. The things that the actors themselves don't even know they did, probably! It really is great. And then, as great as they are, through the magic of editing we are able to make things even better... even more funny! (Billy Dautrick has been at the top of his game this week in the editing sessions.)
So, we are moving right along. Some stills from the past week are below. Meg Zervoulis is working on our score as we speak... We will need some songs too, so in addition to our search if you or someone you know is a musician and is interested in having one of their songs placed in the movie, feel free to contact me. If you don't have my contact information, feel free to contact me through this blog, my facebook page, or through my website: www.SamPlatizky.com.
That is all for now.
Stay tuned!
Actor, Writer, Producer
"Blaming George Romero"

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