Sunday, January 16, 2011

"Red Scare" and More

Howdy, folks. A few things.

*If you have reserved a ticket, but haven't paid for it yet, the deadline is on 1/21/11. After that, I will remove the hold on the unpaid, reserved tickets, and begin selling them again.

*I posted the following on the BGR Facebook Page... I can't believe I have to post this. A little while ago, someone posted on this (FB) page that they had a comp ticket but couldn't attend, and they wanted to sell their tickets. I am not saying anyone would try to take that person up on their offer, but it is important to note the following. First off, the person was not on the comp list. Second, if you are on the comp list and for whatever reason cannot attend, just tell us. We will then attempt to sell the ticket to those on our standby list. There is really no need to try to scalp a ticket to this movie. Its unfair to those that are on the standby list and are patiently waiting for a ticket, and it literally is taking money away from the future of the movie... more directly, it is taking money directly from my wallet.

If you purchased a ticket outside of the comp list, and you can't attend, feel free to do whatever you like with the ticket... But inform us if there is a change in ticket ownership. In addition to the printable tickets that were sent to guests, there will also be a list of guests that will be checked.

The 2/7 screening should be a lot of fun. It is for our supporters, friends, families, etc. Please don't taint that by trying to make a profit off of the hard work that we have done.

Thank you.

Okay, now that that is over, here are some more pictures from "Red Scare." We wrapped shooting on that little project this past Friday. We had new actors Joey Mosca, Clover Zatz, and Tony Pineiro join returning actor Bobby Lise. Aaron Visco made a last minute cameo replacing an actor who didn't show up that worked out great. Billy Dautrick ran sound & Bosco... Loarina Gonzalez did makeup... and Sean Feuer essentially directed. I just came up with the ideas and chimed in from time to time.

Now, what exactly is "Red Scare?" Essentially it is a real trailer for a "fake" movie... like Grindhouse did. There are connections to BGR that you will see when you see the movie. Like the "Machete" trailer before Grindhouse, I really like what we did with "Red Scare." It never has to become a feature length film, like "Machete" did, but I was so happy with the results that I drafted a complete outline for the movie... in case we ever want to turn it into a real film.

Anyways, enjoy these pictures. We only have a few weeks to go before our big preview screening. Still plenty to do.

Stay Tuned!

Actor, Writer, Producer
Blaming George Romero


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