... one more thing about last night...
One more thing about the screening. My mind was so frazzled last night, that I completely forgot some people to thank. It happens, and I did my best. Liz White who worked on our most excellent cast party cake was there, and it completely skipped my mind to bring her up... Mike B who helped secure us with various equipment pieces... MandyJo, who did our modern zombie makeup left before I could thank her... but the one that stands out most to me right now is the person that we dedicated the movie to.
We have all lost people throughout the years... People who were huge influences on us... We lost grandparents, and friends... Billy lost his father.
But there was one loss that hit us all... One person who bound us together, and I have no doubt in my mind that without him, there would be no BGR. That person is Isaiah "Shia" Saltzman. He was my first director, and never showed me anything but the most amazing level of support. Without him, I don't know if I would have met Meg Z, Bobby, Billy, Matt H, and more... I certainly wouldn't enjoy the relationship that I currently have with all of them. And I am not sure where I would be without the support he gave me throughout my early years as an actor. I owe... We all owe Shia so much...
We lost Shia in 2008, but he remains with us in our hearts. He gave us so much, and asked for so little in return. We will always miss him, and we will never forget him.
And that is why "Blaming George Romero" is dedicated to his memory... Because whether or not he knew it at the time... He put us together... He put the pieces in motion.
זיכרונו לברכה
zikhrono livrakha
"May his memory be a blessing..."
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