Monday, March 7, 2011

More festivals and a Quick Update on "Red Scare"

Howdy! Quick answer to a question I have gotten several times the past few weeks: "Have you heard back from any of the festivals?" Answer: No. We only started sending out to the festivals a few weeks ago. They copies need to arrive there, and then they need to be watched, and then judged, etc etc etc. No worries, as soon as we know, we will share that information.

In the meantime, we have submitted to several more festivals: Las Vegas Film Festival, Hawaii International Film Festival, Hoboken International Film Festival, San Diego Film Festival, Arizona Underground Film Festival, NJ International Film Festival, American Independent Film Festival, and Bergenfield Film Festival.

We are now on IMDB:

That feels pretty great to see a movie that I wrote almost a year ago have its own page on IMDB. It also feels pretty great to be able to give some people their first ever IMDB Credit. Its not a huge deal really, but I remember how I felt when I got my first IMDB credit... I was really very happy. Its kind of a big deal, because even though it might not mean that you've made it (anyone can really set up an imdb page) to me it means that you're on your way. That's my opionion anyway.

Red Scare is proceeding very well. I have talked to many of our cast & crew, and we are all very excited to work together again on this project. For the time being, I will update you on Red Scare here. Eventually, we'll progress to where Red Scare has its own (slightly different) blog and various web presences. For now, I will tell you that we plan on holding auditions for some of the roles in the middle of April (likely a Wednesday & Thursday around 4pm or 5pm). Look for updates on that and all other things Red Scare & BGR coming soon.

Stay Tuned!

Actor, Writer, Producer
"Blaming George Romero"


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