Another BGR Milestone Achieved!
Phew. When we started out, I think I mentioned before that I had no idea what went into audio for a movie. So, when we decided to go for external audio rather than hooking up a mic directly to the camera, I was warned by many people how hard it would be. I am very glad to say that those people were wrong. As of 1am, I have finished syncing audio for "Blaming George Romero." There are still a few voice over audio things to pick up, but all of the audio that we recorded along with the movie... has been synced. Again... Phew.
I owe big thanks to Sean Feuer for showing me how to sync up audio in Final Cut Pro. Once I saw how it was done, it was actually pretty easy. Tedious at times, but not difficult... Not at all really. SO, I am very thankful for that.
Instead of just syncing up all of the audio at once, I decided to sync while we went. So, I synced audio... We edited... When we finished editing the synced footage, back to audio sync. Today, as I said, I finished that. That should tell you a little something about how far along we are. There is still a load of work to do, even once we have our first rough cut... but are moving right along.
I am going to end this blog with a tease in picture form of something that you will be able to see very shortly. You will see it soon, and it will be really, really good.
Stay tuned!
Actor, Writer, Producer
"Blaming George Romero"

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