Who Wants a Shirt?
It's getting cold outside, ain't it? What better prize than a tee shirt? And what better tee shirt than an official "Blaming George Romero" tee shirt?
Now, we have had minor contests in the past, but this one is going to be slightly more detailed. Ready?
We, at "Blaming George Romero" are artists, and we support the arts. So, we want you to do something artistic that is inspired by "Blaming George Romero." It can be anything from a painting, to a sketch, to a sculpture, to a cartoon, song, poem, short story, etc etc etc. If you want a BGR shirt, then be creative. Once you have created something, either post what you have created on the BGR Facebook Page or email it to me at splatizky@gmail.com.
I will assemble a panel of judges, and we will choose a winner who will receive their very own BGR shirt. If there are a number of great entries, then 2nd and 3rd place winners will receive a signed copy of the official "Blaming George Romero" poster.
Entries are due on October 31st at 11:59pm. If you already have a shirt you are ineligible.
Good luck!
Stay tuned,
Sam Platizky
Actor, writer, producer
"Blaming George Romero"

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