Thursday, December 23, 2010

BGR First Test Audience

Merry Christmas Eve Eve!

Last night, we held the first test screening for Blaming George Romero. About 20 people gathered together to watch as BGR was projected onto a small screen. The goal of this screening was to get an audience's feedback so that we would know what modifications, if any, to make. The audience was comprised of filmmakers and film lovers alike, so we could get both technical feedback as well as general feedback.

By and large, we seemed to get a lot of positive reactions. The main issue that we have to really deal with according to the feedback is tightening up the pace. Having seen the movie a few times, I understand this, and we are going to do our damnedest to make a tighter, better paced movie.

Below is some of the great feedback we received. Don't get me wrong, we did receive a few negative notes (it would appear that one of our jokes may have offended a small number of our audience), but any negative notes we got were not shared by people. For example, some people prefer Closeups, and some prefer wide shots... You really can't please everyone.

I was very happy with how everything went. People got the movie... People laughed... People enjoyed it. And thats what its all about. Without further ado, some of our feedback... Answers to the question: Overall, what did you think of the movie?

*i liked it. Interesting story. Nice change from the "traditional" kind of zombie movie.
*this early work is great. Humor, emotional roller coaster. I enjoyed it very much.
*great. Entertaining with a good theme of staying alive in the adult world.
*thought it was very good and really look forward to the finished product.
*pretty funny with a good message about life and Friendship.
*i thought it was great. The back and forth with the cast had me laughing the whole time.
*for a first feature i say BGR is a very well done and commercially (if not festival) viable. This has the goods. The characterization is great. The dialogue funny and poignant. The story is fun yet meaningful. I think your biggest concern will ultimately be pacing. Tighten the pace and the film will soar.
*a lot of fun, good dialogue, consistent pace, stayed funny.
*kicked a shit ton of ass!
*great story. Great writing, Can't wait to see the finished film.
*loved it can't wait to see the finished piece.
*it was an entertaining film with good acting and a nice story.
*very good film, excellent job.

Some people have seen the movie.. More will see it in time.

Stay tuned!

Actor, Writer, Producer
"Blaming George Romero"


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