A short while ago, I put out a request for questions for a BGR blog to see if there were any questions that any fans/readers had about the movie. There were several questions asked... Pretty sure only one question was a serious one, and that is the question I am asked most when it comes to BGR... but I figured since I asked for questions and said I would answer, I would answer all of the questions. And here they are.
Gary Wasilewski: Why wasn't I considered for the main role?
Answer: You weren't considered for the main role, because (as the writer) I wrote the main role for myself. Neither the producers nor the casting director had a problem with that... I am also the casting director and a producer. See? Its all who you know. Now, you may have been considered for a regular role, but there is no money in the budget to either fly out to Montana or fly you in from there.
Isaac Platizky: Why was the Isaac David courtroom subplot cut out of the movie?
Answer: Oh, so many reasons. Please choose the one(s) that suit you the best. (A) The movie would have lasted an extra hour; (B) When I was getting locations, they were all basically simple ones that I wouldn't have trouble securing. A courtroom would have been much more difficult; (C) A full courtroom scene would have required a number of more extras and other actors, and we were already over budget on catering; (D) The scene was never written. I hope one or more of these helps to answer your question.
Dan Gregory: Is it true that SP (Sam Platizky) might get an Oscar nod?
Answer: Hopefully someday! Really, anything can happen, but for this movie I wouldn't hold my breath. Regardless of the performance, the odds of a movie this independent getting close to that amount of attention would be a miracle in itself. That said, I would put my cast against any independent films'. It really is one of the best ensembles that I have seen put together. Even as the one who got everyone on board, I still have trouble believing it.
And then there is the big question, the one that I am asked the most. Mary Joyce Adie Kemp & Yochabel Ubiera both asked variations of this question: When can I see the movie?
Answer: This is a good question. I ask myself this question often. Not when can I see the movie... I can see it whenever I want. I mean when can you see the movie? The short answer is we are working on it, we are nearly finished, and just as soon as we are able to, I will announce through the blog, facebook, twitter, etc. a solid concrete answer on when you will be able to see the movie.
I was going to go into a little more detail about this one question, because there is a little more information I could share... BUT... I have been talking to some people, and rather than do that, I am going to make this a "To be continued..." blog because I should have some more concrete information sooner rather than later. So, I am going to devote an entire blog to this question, and that will hopefully be done by this time next week.
Sorry for the cop out, but you will have an answer soon and I am confident that it will be worth the wait.
Stay tuned!
Actor, Writer, Producer
"Blaming George Romero"
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