Some late July BGR news
So, we are in late July right now. A year ago this Saturday, we wrapped principle photography on BGR. There hasn't been much news lately, but here are a few updates.
*I have just submitted to Sundance & Slamdance, two pretty big festivals. No telling what will happen, but you never know.
*Last week I was in San Diego for the 2011 Comic Con. It was a fantastic geek filled week, and I was extremely fortunate to be able to give a copy of BGR to Max Brooks (World War Z, Zombie Survival Guide), Joe Hill (Horns, Locke & Key), and Robert Kirkman (The Walking Dead). Those have always been three people that I wanted to get the movie to, and it was so much easier handing it to them rather than trying to go through their "people." I don't know if they'll watch it. If they do, I don't know if they will like it. But at the moment, they have it, and that is enough for me.
*I am always asked, how people can get a dvd of BGR. The answer is simply, wait a little bit longer. We are still going through the film festival period, but that will be over by the end of the year one way or the other. From there, we will have to decide how we want to proceed with distribution. So, stay tuned for that kind of information later in the year.
*In Red Scare news, we just wrapped principle photography last week, and are delving into post production now. We still need help with the fundraising, so if you or someone you know is feeling generous, we could use the help. There are a lot of fantastic gifts for donors, and we expect to have a brand new trailer out within the week!
Actor, Writer, Producer
Blaming George Romero

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