Monday, August 22, 2011

Golden Door International Film Festival

Things have been quiet on the BGR Film Festival quest... A little too quiet. We had our memorable experience at the Bergenfield International Film Festival, and... that was it? Could our little movie have stalled so quickly? Would we be forced to admit defeat and end our journey with one festival acceptance? And that one festival acceptance would have been riddled with so many problems that the movie barely finished playing?!?!?

The answer to that question is no. No, we do not end our journey with one acceptance. If nothing else, we will have two! And that is thanks to:

The Golden Door International Film Festival ( was one of the earlier film festivals I remember submitting to, so imagine my surprise when I received the acceptance email today. It felt really nice.

The festival is in October, and it looks to be a really great one. I will post more details when I have them. People are always asking me how to see BGR... Well, this will be a wonderful way to see it on the big screen.

So, yeah... That was some nice news to wake up to. Does this mean that other festivals we haven't heard from still haven't sent out their acceptance emails? I don't know... why am I asking myself so many questions?!?

That's all for now. Wish us luck on getting into even more festivals and stay tuned for more details.


Actor, Writer, Producer
Blaming George Romero


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