Thursday, December 23, 2010

BGR First Test Audience

Merry Christmas Eve Eve!

Last night, we held the first test screening for Blaming George Romero. About 20 people gathered together to watch as BGR was projected onto a small screen. The goal of this screening was to get an audience's feedback so that we would know what modifications, if any, to make. The audience was comprised of filmmakers and film lovers alike, so we could get both technical feedback as well as general feedback.

By and large, we seemed to get a lot of positive reactions. The main issue that we have to really deal with according to the feedback is tightening up the pace. Having seen the movie a few times, I understand this, and we are going to do our damnedest to make a tighter, better paced movie.

Below is some of the great feedback we received. Don't get me wrong, we did receive a few negative notes (it would appear that one of our jokes may have offended a small number of our audience), but any negative notes we got were not shared by people. For example, some people prefer Closeups, and some prefer wide shots... You really can't please everyone.

I was very happy with how everything went. People got the movie... People laughed... People enjoyed it. And thats what its all about. Without further ado, some of our feedback... Answers to the question: Overall, what did you think of the movie?

*i liked it. Interesting story. Nice change from the "traditional" kind of zombie movie.
*this early work is great. Humor, emotional roller coaster. I enjoyed it very much.
*great. Entertaining with a good theme of staying alive in the adult world.
*thought it was very good and really look forward to the finished product.
*pretty funny with a good message about life and Friendship.
*i thought it was great. The back and forth with the cast had me laughing the whole time.
*for a first feature i say BGR is a very well done and commercially (if not festival) viable. This has the goods. The characterization is great. The dialogue funny and poignant. The story is fun yet meaningful. I think your biggest concern will ultimately be pacing. Tighten the pace and the film will soar.
*a lot of fun, good dialogue, consistent pace, stayed funny.
*kicked a shit ton of ass!
*great story. Great writing, Can't wait to see the finished film.
*loved it can't wait to see the finished piece.
*it was an entertaining film with good acting and a nice story.
*very good film, excellent job.

Some people have seen the movie.. More will see it in time.

Stay tuned!

Actor, Writer, Producer
"Blaming George Romero"


Sunday, December 19, 2010


"When can I see Blaming George Romero?"
I am very happy to say that "Blaming George Romero" will play on the big screen on Monday, February 7, 2011 at 7pm... A mere three days after the birthday of the great George Romero.

"Where can I see Blaming George Romero?"
On Monday, February 7, 2011 at 7pm, you will have the opportunity to see "Blaming George Romero" at Frank Theatres South Cove Cinema in Bayonne, NJ. I am very glad that this very Bayonne movie is going to be playing at Bayonne's movie theatre. The management at the theatre have been incredibly supportive, and I can't really thank them for the opportunity that they are giving us.

"How can I see Blaming George Romero?"
There are 199 seats in the theatre that we will be playing at. If you worked on the movie (cast and crew), you will receive a complimentary ticket to the screening. If you donated money to the film through indiegogo, you will receive a complimentary ticket to the screening. Very soon, I will send out an email to the aforementioned people asking for RSVP's to be sent back by a certain date. After I know how many people from this group will be attending (it will be fewer than 199... even if everyone from this group comes, it will be fewer than 199), I will then open up ticket sales to anyone else who wants to attend on a first come, first serve basis. I will explain how I will do this in a future blog post. Tickets will be $15 per person. There will be no ticket sales at the door. Once we have reached capacity, ticket sales will be closed.

"What can I expect from this screening?"
This screening is going to be designated as a "preview" and not a "premiere" as there are some film festivals that will not accept you if you have premiered anywhere already. Make no mistake, though, if you attend this screening you will be a part of the first audience to view the completed "Blaming George Romero."

For me, and for many of the cast and crew, this is a huge deal. I can't speak for everyone, but this is my first starring role that will be on a big screen... My first script to be on a big screen. This is an event, and it will be treated as such. I don't have details for you right now, but expect giveaways, raffles, and more. Expect a good time.

I am excited. :)

Stay tuned!

Actor, Writer, Producer
"Blaming George Romero"


Saturday, December 18, 2010

"Music is what feelings sound like."

I don't know who said that quote above. I just googled "quotes about music" and liked what I read. I have said where we are at a couple of times... right now its all about the audio stuff... adjusting levels, sound fx, and music. (There are some other things, but right now the focus is pretty much on the audio.) And as you can tell from the picture and quote, this blog is going to be all about adjusting levels... So, sit back, relax, and get ready to read about making dialogue the right volume!

Just kidding. This blog will be about music. Specifically the music of "Blaming George Romero," which I haven't really gone into detail about. Movie music may be my favorite music of all... I was never really into the radio, so I would hear new songs in soundtracks to the movies I watched. My iphone is FILLED with the scores of various films and songs that I first heard in a movie.

Its important in a movie. Music can elevate a good movie to a great movie. Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Jurassic Park... all great movies... But those movies (and more) would lose some of their greatness if it weren't for the score by John Williams. Up is a great cartoon... beautiful... but even moreso because of Michael Giacchino (who also did the music for Lost FYI). Actors and visuals can do so much, but the notes of a good composer can create (or bring about) emotions that words and visuals could not do alone. You get my point, I'm sure.

After the main production team came into being, one of the first things I looked into was music. What the hell would we do for music? I mean, yeah, I know some bands and whatnot but I needed more than that. And so, I went where I always go when I have any kind of question about music: Meg Zervoulis. I have known Meg since I was 13 years old and we did Oliver! at the BJCC under the direction of Shia Saltzman... but I digress... So, I have known her exactly half my life at this point. I am not exaggerating when I say that she is the most talented musician that I know. I mean no disrespect to any of the other musicians that I know, but if you know Meg, you would agree. So, I trust her when it comes to music.

I sent her an email telling her what I had planned, and then I asked her if she knew anyone who would be interested/available in scoring this little movie of mine. I honestly didn't even think to ask if she would want to... I knew that she was busy with a huge variety of musical things in her life... but I knew that she knows other musicians. She sent me back a prompt email with a list of other possible composers, and then at the end of it she added... "or me." Obviously, I knew what I wanted. I quickly sent an email back telling her that if she was willing to do this, I would always prefer working with her... And she agreed to come on board, which thrilled me. At that point, not only did I have world class actors, but I somehow got a world class musician to boot!

Last night, I heard where she is going with the score, and I am verrry happy. It is going to be oh so great, and I cannot wait to watch the whole movie with the music in it. Like I said, Meg is awesome.

Now, that is the score... At the moment, I plan to also some great songs by Max Arias Jr., Joe Timpanaro, Ramy Shedid, Sir Joey Mosca, and the now defunct band Guido the Killer Pimp.

With all the great pieces in the "Blaming George Romero" puzzle, I am very happy and look forward to watching it on the big screen...

That said, I keep getting asked "when can I see the movie?" Well, I am happy to report that as of today, I know when you will be able to see the movie... and I can do you one better... I know where you will be able to see the movie as well. And I will tell you... before the end of the weekend!

Stay tuned!

Actor, Writer, Producer
"Blaming George Romero"


Sunday, December 12, 2010

The BGR Q&A Blog

A short while ago, I put out a request for questions for a BGR blog to see if there were any questions that any fans/readers had about the movie. There were several questions asked... Pretty sure only one question was a serious one, and that is the question I am asked most when it comes to BGR... but I figured since I asked for questions and said I would answer, I would answer all of the questions. And here they are.

Gary Wasilewski: Why wasn't I considered for the main role?
Answer: You weren't considered for the main role, because (as the writer) I wrote the main role for myself. Neither the producers nor the casting director had a problem with that... I am also the casting director and a producer. See? Its all who you know. Now, you may have been considered for a regular role, but there is no money in the budget to either fly out to Montana or fly you in from there.

Isaac Platizky: Why was the Isaac David courtroom subplot cut out of the movie?
Answer: Oh, so many reasons. Please choose the one(s) that suit you the best. (A) The movie would have lasted an extra hour; (B) When I was getting locations, they were all basically simple ones that I wouldn't have trouble securing. A courtroom would have been much more difficult; (C) A full courtroom scene would have required a number of more extras and other actors, and we were already over budget on catering; (D) The scene was never written. I hope one or more of these helps to answer your question.

Dan Gregory: Is it true that SP (Sam Platizky) might get an Oscar nod?
Answer: Hopefully someday! Really, anything can happen, but for this movie I wouldn't hold my breath. Regardless of the performance, the odds of a movie this independent getting close to that amount of attention would be a miracle in itself. That said, I would put my cast against any independent films'. It really is one of the best ensembles that I have seen put together. Even as the one who got everyone on board, I still have trouble believing it.

And then there is the big question, the one that I am asked the most. Mary Joyce Adie Kemp & Yochabel Ubiera both asked variations of this question: When can I see the movie?
Answer: This is a good question. I ask myself this question often. Not when can I see the movie... I can see it whenever I want. I mean when can you see the movie? The short answer is we are working on it, we are nearly finished, and just as soon as we are able to, I will announce through the blog, facebook, twitter, etc. a solid concrete answer on when you will be able to see the movie.

I was going to go into a little more detail about this one question, because there is a little more information I could share... BUT... I have been talking to some people, and rather than do that, I am going to make this a "To be continued..." blog because I should have some more concrete information sooner rather than later. So, I am going to devote an entire blog to this question, and that will hopefully be done by this time next week.

Sorry for the cop out, but you will have an answer soon and I am confident that it will be worth the wait.

Stay tuned!

Actor, Writer, Producer
"Blaming George Romero"


Thursday, December 2, 2010

Can you spell Crowdfunding?

Happy Chanukah to all of our Jewish fans! Happy Zombanukah to our Zombie fans! And Happy Thursday to everyone else!

Here's the deal. I hadn't planned on writing a blog tonight, but I felt this topic deserved it.

In a recent blog post, I talked about several factors that came together that really made "Blaming George Romero" from an unfinished screenplay into a full fledged feature length movie. One of those factors was "Cerise." "Cerise" is a short film that was created by a friend of mine, John Trigonis. John opened my eyes to the world of crowdfunding, indiegogo in particular. He was using this tool to fund his film, and it gave me the hope that maybe I could do the same. Through this, we were able to raise over $7,000 to help fund "Blaming George Romero."

And then, throughout production (and even into post) John has been a wonderful source of information and help, and if he ever gets tired of my many questions he never shows it. All that, and he even has a role in "Blaming George Romero" too!

So, it is pretty cool that tomorrow "Cerise" will have its "Big Apple Preview." What is even cooler is that John is including trailers before his film from other crowdfunded movies that filmed around the same time as "Cerise." One of those films is "Blaming George Romero." So, it should be a pretty cool night. I'll be there.

For more information:

In other news, I announced on our facebook/twitter pages that I am accepting questions regarding "Blaming George Romero" to answer in an upcoming blog. If you have any questions regarding the movie, any questions at all, just ask through Facebook, Twitter, or this blog, and you shall be answered!

Stay tuned!

Actor, Writer, Producer
"Blaming George Romero"


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