Sunday, June 27, 2010

6/27/10 Production Blog/Photos: I Love Blairstown

About a year ago, some friends and I took a drive out to a place in Western, NJ called "Blairstown." I'd never heard of it before, but it was where the first Friday the 13th was filmed. It was a dark and foggy night and the mood was perfect. Cut to location scouting for this movie. I was looking for a very specific location... Almost too specific... and my friend, Devin, says "What about Blairstown?" Beautiful location... may be a bit difficult because of the waterfall, but it was a great location. So, we decided we would go for it.

Enter today. June 27th... The one day our godsend sound guy, Joey Mosca said he couldn't come to. He said he would get a replacement, but the replacement fell through... So what happened? Joey, not wanting to leave us hanging, stepped up and came in on his one day off! His only condition... he had to leave by 4... or maybe 5... I honestly don't know which. So, I said (not knowing if we could pull it off at all) we will be done by 4pm. Oh, and the weather reports called for possible thunderstorms. Oh, and we were in a town that none of us knew all that well (where nobody knew us) on a Sunday morning shooting one of the most important scenes of the movie! Well, through some mix of sheer skill and dumb luck we did it. We didn't finish by 4pm though. We finished at 3:30pm... No rain... No problem from locals. I Love Blairstown.

Also, today we were able to welcome Ramy Shedid to set for the first time.

All in all, I was both amazed and pleased by what we did today. Very happy with everyone's hard work. If and when things get hard down the road, I will remember this day and smile.

Great pictures below... I have even more, but for some reason blogger is being a pain in the ass and not letting me upload them all. I'll post the rest on Facebook.

Tomorrow is another day of shooting... The first zombie day of shooting... Oooo...

Stay tuned!

Actor, Writer, Producer
"Blaming George Romero"


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