Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Who is George Romero?

Today is a day off from filming, but something occurred to me, that I felt like posting today.

There is a question that I have been asked several times in the last few weeks, that I wanted to address here. Who is George Romero? "Who is George Romero?" I thought, the first time I heard this question. "How does anyone not know who George Romero is?" I was even asked if that was the name of the character that I was playing in the movie... several times, by several different people. And I am not the only one who was asked this question, and we all had the same reaction: "How do you not know George Romero?"

But, you know, I suppose it is a valid question. I take the zombie genre for granted, and if you don't know zombie movies... I guess you wouldn't really know Romero.

SO! Here is a link to the wikipedia entry for George Romero:

But here is my short and sweet summary: George A. Romero is the father of the zombie genre of film. The creator of Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead, Day of the Dead, and more. He is the one who basically created the zombie sub-genre of horror. His movies are fun to watch, but have a rich subtext that deal with racial prejudices, social issues, and more. He is creating movies to this day.

Now, why is the title "Blaming" George Romero? What are we "blaming" him for? Well... you'll have to watch the movie to find out.

Stay tuned!

Actor, Writer, Producer
"Blaming George Romero"


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